“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” Ansel Adams
Say Anything!
Cucurbita Pepo (2025)

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The Story Gallery
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Pastura was (and still is) little more than a watering hole for the Southern Pacific Railroad. Many of the people living in the vicinity worked the sheep at the Bailon Ranch. It was near here, in January 1911, that Nora Stewart was murdered. Digital Art

On the edge of the village of Anton Chico, New Mexico there is an ancient cemetery guarded on any day by the horses of the local farmers who roam freely about the village. Digital Photography

The cucurbita pepo, of which the acorn squash is a variety, is probably the oldest domesticated species in the Americas, dating back to 5000BC. The native americans taught the Spanish to eat cucurbita pepo with corn, broad beans and pumpkin. When Columbus returned to Spain, he brought with him the cucurbita pepo. Digital Art

Pastura was (and still is) little more than a watering hole for the Southern Pacific Railroad. Many of the people living in the vicinity worked the sheep at the Bailon Ranch. It was near here, in January 1911, that Nora Stewart was murdered. Digital Art
Southwest Stories

Netta at Orquevaux

Immediately upon arriving at the château, you are transported to the 18th century. Perhaps in the drawing room you will hear Diderot conversing about philosophy or politics. Perhaps in the dining room you will find a platter of cheeses and a bottle or two of champagne. Perhaps in the rooms upstairs you will see artists doing what they love. Digital Art

From the studio I had a view of the countryside which contrasted sharply with the austerity I found inside. Both were inspiring. Digital Art

The voices become louder as you approach, and the sun illuminates the glow exuding from the large church in the tiny village. Digital Art

Immediately upon arriving at the château, you are transported to the 18th century. Perhaps in the drawing room you will hear Diderot conversing about philosophy or politics. Perhaps in the dining room you will find a platter of cheeses and a bottle or two of champagne. Perhaps in the rooms upstairs you will see artists doing what they love. Digital Art
Orquevaux, an Autobiography

The house called us all together. This group of people at this particular time. What we found there was a magic like no other. Digital Photography

Art is therapy, and it can take place in the strangest of places under the most humblest of guises. When performances artists mix with visual and digital artists and writers, the output is amazing. Digital Photography

Everywhere flowers and birds, transforming the everyday into the extraordinary. Digital Photography

The house called us all together. This group of people at this particular time. What we found there was a magic like no other. Digital Photography
Conversations with Myself

I shall not move, and I cannot cry. But I will stand as long as this wall remains here to remind me of my purpose. Digital Photography

We separate, we come together, but always there is trust and communication from the entrée to the coda. Digital Photography

She is at once asleep and awake, dreaming and acknowledging; she inhabits two worlds at the same time. Digital Photography

I shall not move, and I cannot cry. But I will stand as long as this wall remains here to remind me of my purpose. Digital Photography