"We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality." Iris Murdoch
This is a palm frond. I've been looking for years for just the right one. The one that is not obscured by other plant-life; the one that is passing quickly through its life and shedding its glorious color; one that is set just right in front of a rising light. I found it at Wekiva Springs State Park one a warm December afternoon. I have no doubt that within a few seconds, maybe a minute at most, the light would have shifted and its perfection lost. There are landscapes of all sizes--the ones we stop, breathe and commit to memory, and the ones that we frequently pass by, but when stopped in the next step take our breathe away, then disappear forever. It is these landscapes where "we live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality" as Iris Murdoch has said. Because these landscapes are fleeting we often never get the chance to experience the fantasy, or the illusion. So, my advice to you, is to stop when your eye catches on something, for whatever reason, take it in, imagine yourself wandering about the landscape, and feel what the illusion has to say to you.